Design Gadgets for epages Shops

With our Design Gadgets you can improve your epages shop graphically and functionally.

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21 - 30 of 42 results

Also on epages 6 shops, selected products, only be visible for specific customer groups, can be displayed on Mobile-First Indexing :: Responsive Web Design für epages 6 Shops"public" categories.

480.00 *

For epages 6 base shops, this function automatically sets the amount entered by the customer to the next larger sales unit.

185.00 *

Customers can already find out about variations (e.g. sizes or colors) on product lists on epages 6 base.

195.00 *

The organization of products in your online store can be similar to a physical store, in order to attract the customer to "enter" and make purchases in the store.

185.00 *

Implementation of the button "Add to Cart", "Stock" and Social Media in product list in Mobile version of online stores epages 6. Strato, SAGE, Hosteurope

125.00 *

Implementation of the image gallery function in the product listing of online stores epages 6

265.00 *

A complete shopping cart in the fold-out sidebar reduces one step of the checkout. Suppresses reloading after clicking the shopping cart buttons on epages 6 online shops

595.00 *

Display net prices in the shop on epages shops and sell them at the same time via sales portals

545.00 *

Shopping cart buttons for individual products with your own text, colors and Google icon for epages 6

125.00 *
Prices without VAT
21 - 30 of 42 results